Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Introducing Sammy

So I have been inspired by the followers of The Fugly Horse of the Day blog who have started to chronicle their training and various mishaps with their horses, so I started thinking, "Hey! I have a horse with mishaps and we are definitely working through some issues. Why don't I start a blog about that?" I even had the catchy name all lined up, so it was like nothing to get it going.

The worst part was all those crazy letter verifications to get started. I mean, why can't they use real words? It took me like six tries to even get past the sign up part, since I couldn't remember my Blogger login from before. I sure as heck hope I can keep up with this one better than I did with
Graces Three. Who knows, maybe I'll get something else up on there one of these days. Anyway, I do digress. What was I talking about?

Oh yes, Sammy, the main subject of this blog. How silly of me! As I was saying, Sammy has had quite the list of mishaps this year, which we will detail over the next series of posts. But just so as not to overwhelm you and, more important, to keep you on the edge of your seats, I will keep this initial post very short (I was going to say "and to the point", but we've already failed at that one).

Sammy is a 14 year old bay 7/8ths Saddlebred gelding that I have had the pleasure of owning since he was just 4. Now sometimes the pleasure of owning him was somewhat submerged under dismay and despair, but we are definitely in a good season of life now. I am super excited about where things are going, but to fully appreciate that, you will have to journey with me back through time to when things were not so great. That will be the purpose of the next few posts. Stay tuned.

One last little note, please use
Goodsearch for all your searching needs and please put MHWF (Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation) in as your charity. They donate 1 cent for every search you do. Also, please do follow this link:
to vote for MHWF to win $10,000. I know the people and the organization personally, and they are a reputable equine rescue and adoption group. They are the only people I would trust to rehome Sammy, should that ever become necessary.

Until next time . . . as you wait with bated breath :)

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